October 5, 2016 Bible Study — Building On a Solid Foundation

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Matthew 7-9.

    Another passage packed with more than I can cover in one day’s blog. I think I am going to start in the middle and work out from there. Jesus warned us to build our beliefs and base our lives on the solid foundation of His teachings. This means constantly striving to better understand them and living according to that understanding. I am trying to figure out how to put the words together to explain how I see this all tying together today. Jesus’ comment about not judging others and being judged by the standards we use to judge others is a way of expressing the same thought as what we know as the Golden Rule, treat others the way we want to be treated. We should judge others according to a standard to which we would be comfortable being held. However, more importantly we should seek to learn the mistakes and sins that we commit rather than worrying about the mistakes and sins of others.


    The other part of building on the solid foundation is persistence and faith, or persistent faith. It is continuing to believe, even when we do not see results immediately. We need to ask until we receive, seek until we find, and knock until the door opens. We do this, not because we think we need to nag God, but because we continue to believe that God will act in His own time. We need to ask over and over again to remind ourselves that God will act. If we believe that something is God’s will we should have the faith to continue pursuing it, no matter what obstacles are put in our way AND we should have faith that it will come to pass because we know that God’s will will be done.

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