October 4, 2017 Bible Study — Just Because It Is Legal Does Not Make It Right

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Matthew 5-6.

    Today’s passage contains most of the Sermon on the Mount. It starts with the Beatitudes. Contained in the Beatitudes are eight characteristics which society does not generally value highly, a couple of them society may claim to value, but they are rarely traits which are held up as the way to get ahead. However, Jesus tells us that these are the traits you need to have to excel in the Kingdom of God. In many ways these characteristics are additive; you start with the first and each one leads you to the next. While that last is not entirely true, it is indeed true that the more you follow the previous characteristics, the more the last one will be true.

    Whenever I attempt to write on this passage I struggle because there are so many things of importance contained here. One thing I never noticed before was Jesus’ emphasis here on the contrast between what is legal and what is right. It is not enough to follow the law. We must go beyond the law in doing what is right. Further, Jesus points out that the law cannot spell out what is right. It can only delineate things which are always wrong. The law calls for justice and punishment, but we are called to forgiveness and mercy.

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