October 4, 2014 Bible Study — Do Not Stop Praying

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Proverbs 24:21-22

    If you spend your time with those who rebel against authority, you are likely to get caught up in the troubles that come upon them as a result. At least in part this is a warning against getting caught up with those who have a problem with authority figures, those who push back against anyone they perceive as being in a position of authority. Such people often fight with authorities, even when the authorities are inclined to approve of their actions. They will often drag those around them into the confrontation.


Psalm 76:1-12

    Where God is honoured the people live in peace and prosperity. None can stand against God. His anger will strike out against those who attack people who honour Him. God will break the pride of those who stand against Him. He will judge those who do evil and strike down those who oppress the weak. Let us honour and serve God so that His might will not be directed against us.


Colossians 1:1-17

    The Gospel is bearing fruit throughout the whole earth. Let us never doubt that the Gospel has the power to transform lives and, through those changed lives, societies. If we listen to the Gospel message and truly understand it, we will be transformed both by the message and by the Holy Spirit. Let us have a confident hope in what God has planned for us.
    Once more as I read this I am challenged to improve my prayer life. Paul writes here that he has not stopped praying for the Christians in Colossae since he first heard about them. I know that I need to work on giving a more central place in my life. Paul prayed that they would be given a complete knowledge of God’s will in addition to spiritual wisdom and understanding. We should both pray those things for others and for ourselves, so that both we and they will honour and please God by bearing the fruit of righteousness. One essential to acquiring that knowledge and wisdom is developing a strong prayer life. Let us strive to spend our time in prayer.


Jeremiah 2:31-4:18

    As I read the first part of this passage I thought about many people today. There are those who say that we do not need God. That it is possible to know what is right and what is wrong without God. We have grown beyond Him and do not need God anymore. Then there are those who promote abortion and policies which harm the needy while claiming to be people of God. Finally, there are those who claim that they are turning to God and seeking to do His will, those who strive to put on the appearance of righteousness while doing evil, whether it is greed, or sexual sin, or violence against the innocent, or all three. God is not fooled and will bring judgement.

    God is bringing judgement against those who refuse to follow His word. He will strike them down with pestilence and violence. The destroyer of nations is at the door. The time to light the signal fires to warn people to flee has come. Destruction is about to fall on us. Yet, even now, with the destruction unleashed, God tells us that if we throw away our idols and turn to Him, He will turn it aside. If we dedicate ourselves to truth, justice, and righteousness, He will listen to our cries and save us. Let us plow up the hard ground of our hearts and plant seeds of righteousness.

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