October 31, 2014 Bible Study — Jesus Understands What It Means To Be Human

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.


Proverbs 26:23

    The translation notes say that the Hebrew word translated as “smooth” (based on the Greek in the Septuagint) is “burning”. The NIV translates that word as “fervent”. I think that being aware of these different possible translations helps us understand this proverb. Often times a person will fervently protest their innocence to cover up their guilt. Some of the most intense protestations for judgement against those who do wrong are brought by those who do the very wrong they demand be judged harshly.


Psalm 103:1-22

    The opening praise sums up this psalm and should be my prayer every day. “Let all that I am praise the Lord.” Yes, let all that I am and all that I do praise Him. May He receive glory and praise because of my thoughts, words, and actions. I desire that everything about me brings praise to God.


Hebrews 2:1-18

    In yesterday’s passage the author of Hebrews made it clear that Jesus was God, that as God He created the Universe. He makes clear that Jesus is not just a superior angel, but is God Himself. In today’s passage the author presents the other part of orthodox Christology. Jesus was/is a man. He is fully and completely human. Jesus became fully human so that He could experience temptation just as we do. It is because He went through the temptations which we experience that He is able to help us deal with those temptations. He was faced all of the struggles we face in this life, and more. Only as someone who was fully and completely human could He experience everything that we experience. From time to time, someone will say, “You don’t understand. You have never gone through this.” Jesus does understand. He did go through this.


Lamentations 4-5:22

    The land of Judah suffered terribly because those who should have pointed them towards God, the priests and the prophets, instead sinned. Those who the people looked on for guidance towards righteousness used their position to satisfy their own desires. They were defiled by sin and shed the blood of the innocents. If God would allow Jerusalem to be sacked for the sins of its people, how much more will He bring judgement against our country today? God’s judgement is coming. If people do not turn from their sins, turn towards God, and live upright lives, the devastation that is coming will be complete.

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