October 29, 2018 Bible Study — Sacrificing All That We Have To Communicate God’s Love to Sinners

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 14-16.

    I have touched on this before, but in today’s passage Jesus tells us that we must be willing, perhaps even eager, to lose our life in His service if we want to be His disciple. We need to be willing to sacrifice any and all of our relationships in order to serve God. However, Jesus also tells us that we should take a look at what our service to Him will cost before we set out on that path. It is not enough to say that we are willing to sacrifice. We must look at what we have and acknowledge our willingness to give it up.

    Luke goes on from there to write about Jesus’ teachings on bringing sinners to the Lord. I have always paid a lot of attention to this teaching, although I am not sure how well I have actually practiced it. All too often our congregations focus on serving the needs of Christ’s followers more than on reaching those who have yet to hear the Word. While the accounts in the Book of Acts and in some of Paul’s letters make it clear that we should strive to meet the needs of our fellow believers, our true joy is from bringing another person into the Body. We need to focus on how can we communicate God’s love to sinners.

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