October 25, 2021 Bible Study — The Demon-possessed Man Sought Out Jesus, Not The Other Way Around

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Luke 8.

From time to time when I read the story about the demon possessed man on the opposite side of the lake from Galilee I am struck by the fact that he met Jesus when Jesus stepped off the boat.  So, Jesus did not go looking for him, he went to meet Jesus.  Then he demanded to know what Jesus wanted with him (OK, it was the demons which were possessing him, but my point still holds).   Jesus did not seek out the demon-possessed man to make him change, to drive out his demons, it was only after the demon-possessed man sought Him out that Jesus was able to help him.   While we are called to seek out the lost, there are some who can only be helped when they seek us out.  I have several friends who have chosen self-destructive lifestyles and this passage reminds me that I cannot help them until they are ready to be helped.  Of course, that time may come with them accusing me of being hateful for telling them that their actions are self-destructive.  I must pray more and harder for those friends.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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