October 25, 2015 Bible Study — If Only You Would Listen To His Voice Today!

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Proverbs 26:9-12

    The writer tells us that hiring a fool is like shooting into a crowd at random and that fools will eagerly repeat their foolish actions. Yet, he tells us that there is more hope for a fool than for someone who thinks they are wise.


Psalm 95-96

    This psalm contains a line which makes my heart cry out for my friends, and others, who do not know the Lord. I meet and know so many people who are dealing with problems and difficulties in this life that would be solved if only they would listen to God’s voice today. They insist that there is nothing there for them, yet I look at the problems they are experiencing and see that they are the result of not listening to God and trusting in His love.
    Let us sing to the Lord and praise His name. God made the heavens and the earth. All other gods are mere idols. Each day I will proclaim the news that God saves all who turn to Him. If only those I referred to in the previous paragraph would accept this truth.


2 Timothy 4

    Paul instructs us to be prepared to preach the word of God, whether we think the time is right or not. The time is coming, I believe that it has come, when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead of listening to the truth, they seek out teachers who tell them what they want to hear. In this setting we should be willing to suffer, if need be, to remain faithful and carry out the ministry which God has given us. Let us continue to “fight the good fight”, to fight to serve God, until the last of our life has been poured out as an offering to God. I will work at acting and speaking so as to give others the opportunity to listen to God’s voice.


Jeremiah 48:1-49:22

    Judgment had fallen on Israel and Judah for their idolatry and sins. Now Jeremiah prophesies against the nations which surrounded them. Nations which had made idolatry and sin their national religion. This is a reminder that when the God’s judgment comes against those nations which He had formerly favored, the entire world will be thrown into turmoil. I look at the world today and I see judgment coming against the U.S. (I think there is still time for people to turn to God, but it is running short). I, also, see the people of other nations rejoicing to see that judgment coming. Those people fail to see the turmoil that will engulf the earth when God finally brings judgment against the U.S. for the sins of its people.

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