October 24, 2016 Bible Study –Don’t Worry About The Speck In Your Brother’s Eye

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 6-7.

    The part of this passage which the Spirit brought most to my attention was the verses from chapter 6 verse 41 through verse 44. We need to focus on what we are doing wrong, not on what others are doing wrong. It is important to note that “doing wrong” includes not doing right. That is, if we are not doing things we should be doing it is just as bad as doing things we should not be doing. If I fail to help those in need, I am as much of a sinner as a person who murders someone. While the verses about the relationship of good and bad fruit to good and bad trees is not directly related to the teaching about worrying about our own faults, there is a connection. Someone who spends their time focusing on the shortcomings of others will never overcome their own shortcomings. It also provides us with a measuring stick by which we can measure ourselves. Are we producing good fruit? Are we doing the sorts of things which show God’s love to the people around us? Because, if we are not, then we are not only not producing good fruit, we are producing bad fruit.

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