October 23, 2014 Bible Study — Soldier, Athlete, and Farmer

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.


Proverbs 26:3-5

    Verses four and five contradict each other, but a little thought show the point the writer is making. On the one hand, if you allow yourself to be caught up in the logic, or lack thereof, of a fool’s arguments, you can all too easily lose sight of what the issue under discussion really is. On the other hand, if you do not respond to a fool’s arguments they, and others, may conclude that their arguments logically support their conclusions. There is a fine line between allowing a fool to drag you into his folly and allowing him to believe that you accept his arguments.


Psalm 92-93:5

    It is indeed a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. Doing so is proper because of all that God has done for us, but more than that, there is great joy to be had praising the Lord. When I think of all that God has done for me, it gives me a thrill to realize how much He cares for me. If you are feeling depressed, start looking at your life and focus on those things God has done for which you are thankful. This will gradually lift you out of depression and fill your heart with joy (it may take more than this for those suffering from clinical depression, but even there it is worth a try).
    The floods may rise against us. Seas of trouble may rage against our lives, but God is mightier than the oceans deep and stronger than lightning and thunder. I will put my trust in Him. If I build my life on the foundation He has provided me, it will stand firm against all waves and storms which might rise.


2 Timothy 2:1-21

    Paul taught things which were confirmed by reliable witnesses. He then instructed Timothy to teach those things to trustworthy people who would pass them on to yet others. Are we willing to be trustworthy in passing these teachings on yet again?
    Paul then uses three metaphors for the Christian life: soldier, competitive athlete, and farmer. In all three cases Paul points out that these types of individuals do not allow themselves to be distracted by things that do not contribute to their goals, goals which are determined by things outside of their control. In the same way, we should be dedicated to the goal of serving God. The essence of that goal is to preach the Gospel, which is Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, raised from the dead. Paul was willing to endure anything in order to preach that Gospel, are we?
    If we die with Christ, for preaching this Gospel, we will be raised with Him. If we suffer for the Gospel, we will reign with Him. On the other hand, if we deny Him, for whatever reason, He will deny us. However, He will remain faithful even if we are unfaithful, because God cannot be otherwise. Let us avoid fighting over words even as we work to correctly explain the word of truth. If we belong to the Lord, we will turn away from evil and seek to cleanse ourselves from impurity. That way we can become utensils that God can use for every good work.


Jeremiah 42-44:23

    Many of those who remained in Judah gathered because they were afraid of what Nebuchadnezzar would do when he heard that his governor had been killed. They went to Jeremiah and requested that he ask God what they should do and where they should go. They stated vehemently that they would do whatever God told them to do, whether they liked it or not. Jeremiah agreed to ask God to give him guidance for them. After ten days Jeremiah gave them the Lord’s answer. Jeremiah told them that if they stayed in the land of Judah, God would be with them and they would have peace. However, if they went to Egypt in an effort to escape war and hunger, war and hunger would follow them there. Jeremiah finished by telling them that he knew that they would not listen to what he had said. Instead they would go to Egypt and suffer the consequences which God had promised them.
    When the people heard what Jeremiah told them, their leaders immediately accused him of lying to them because Baruch wanted them to be killed or carried off into exile. They refused to listen to the message which God had given to Jeremiah. They took Jeremiah with them when they traveled to Egypt. When they arrived in Egypt, Jeremiah once more prophesied their downfall there. Further Jeremiah confronted them about their worship of various idols they had made for themselves in Egypt. Rather than deny that they were committing idolatry, the people blamed the fall of Jerusalem and the difficult times leading up to it on their being insufficiently dedicated to their idols.

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