October 20, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 25:25-27

    Seeking honors for yourself is like eating too many sweets. You may enjoy it as you do it, but the after effects will be unpleasant…and last much longer than the pleasure.


Psalm 89:14-37

    The NLT translates the first part of verse 15 as “Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship,…” I think it would be better translated as “Happy are those who listen to the joyful call to worship,…” because it is not enough to hear the call to worship God to experience the joy. We need to also follow the call and worship Him. I will worship God because it is from Him that my protection comes.


1 Timothy 5

    Paul gives advice on caring for widows, although I believe what he says can be applied to all of the elderly. First, he tells us that we should provide for our parents to the best of our ability. The Church should care for those who have no children to take care of them. However, those who are still able to provide for themselves should do so. So, to reiterate, we should care for our parents and grandparents to the best of our ability and we should work to meet our own needs for as long as we are able. The Church should care for those who are unable to care for themselves. Paul’s gave these instructions concerning widows who are believers, but I believe there is room to interpret them as applying to anyone who is unable to care for themselves.


Jeremiah 35-36

    In this passage, Jeremiah had the words God had given him recorded on a scroll which was then read to the people. When the king heard of this, he had the scroll read to him, but as the scroll was read, the king destroyed it. However, when Jeremiah heard what the king had done, he had the scroll rewritten. The message here is that no matter what those in power do, God’s word will not be silenced.

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