October 19, 2022 Bible Study — That Which Bears God’s Image Belongs To God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Mark 12-13.

This morning it struck me that Mark placed the Parable of the Tenants just before the conversation about paying taxes to Caesar for a reason.  We often read the Parable of the Tenants as being about  the fact that throughout history religious leaders have killed the prophets whom God has sent, culminating in killing His Son, Jesus.  In doing so, we often think that this ended with Jesus’ death and resurrection, but if you look at the martyrs killed for their faith during the Reformation you quickly realize that religious leaders still persecute those whom God has sent.  However, we often fail to think about the purpose for which God sent those whom the religious leaders persecute.  The discussion about taxes which immediately follows the Parable of the Tenants here makes clear that purpose.  God sends prophets, and others, to call on us to give to Him what is His.  And reading Jesus’ answer about taxes makes clear what is God’s.  The coins which were used to pay the tax to Caesar bore Caesar’s image.  So, Jesus said, we should give them to Caesar because they were his.  What made them Caesar’s?  The fact that they bore his image.  So, if we are to give to Caesar the coins which bear his image, does that not mean that we should give to God that which bears His image?  The answer is a clear and resounding “Yes”.  In Genesis we were told that God created man in His image.  So, when Jesus says that we should give to God what is God’s, He is telling us to give ourselves to God.  And the Parable of the Tenants was about how far we are often wiling to go to avoid being reminded that we belong to God.

As I was composing the title for today’s blog, I was reminded of one other point that we should take from these two episodes:  Every human being bears the image of God, which means they are His prized possessions.  Let us treat them with at least the respect and honor we would wish others to treat our prized possessions.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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