October 17, 2022 Bible Study — Going To Great Lengths So As To Not Cause Others To Sin

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Mark 8-9.

Today’s passage ends with Jesus telling His disciples that they should maim themselves before they allow a part of their body to cause them to sin.  I have seen some quote those verses in order to support the idea that they have no responsibility to not act in a manner which might lead others to have impure thoughts (I want to note that even though we usually mean thoughts about sexual immorality when we say “impure thoughts”, I am using it here to mean thoughts about committing any sin).  However, Jesus prefaces His words about cutting off our hand, or gouging out our eye, by saying that it would be better to have a millstone cast around our neck and be cast into the sea than to cause one of those who believe in Him to stumble.  This leads me to believe that Jesus’ words about taking extreme action to avoid stumbling were meant to warn us to be extremely cautious not to lead others to sin.    We should be careful not to dress, or act in a manner, which will lead others to lust.  We should be careful not to act in a manner which would lead an alcoholic to think about drinking, a drug addict to consider taking drugs.  To reiterate: I believe Jesus point here is that we should go to great lengths to be sure that we do not cause our fellow believers to stumble.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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