October 17, 2014 Bible Study — Pray For All People

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.


Proverbs 25:18-19

    Despite the line I was taught as a child, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”, lies can harm somebody just as much as a physical attack.


Psalm 87:1-7

    The psalmist prophecies about the day when people from all over the world will join the people of God, a day when citizens of every nation will be citizens of the Kingdom of God. That day is today, God has brought people from every nation to follow Christ and become His people. However, the psalmist also proclaims the day when every nation will follow God. That day has yet to come to pass. Some day the Holy Spirit will move so that everyone alive serves the Lord (I believe that this will not happen until after Jesus returns).


1 Timothy 2:1-15

    Paul instructs Timothy (and us) to pray for all people. Let us ask God to help them. Let us intercede with God on their behalf, asking God to save them from the consequences of their sins. And let us thank God for them, even the people we don’t like. Especially, we are to pray for those who are in positions of authority. Let us pray that everyone come to accept the Gospel, because it is God’s desire that they do so. When we pray, let us be free from anger or disagreement (which is to say, let us be free from anger and disagreement, since we are supposed to pray all the time).
    There is one God and one mediator between God and man. Only Jesus is capable of bridging the gap between God and man. It is only through Him that we are able to approach God. There are many paths to God, but all of those paths lead to Jesus. Any path which does not lead to Jesus, does not lead to God.


Jeremiah 30-31:26

    Yesterday my wife commented on how the book of Jeremiah is somewhat scary since he spends much of his time prophesying the judgement of God. There is no doubt that she is correct, much of the book of Jeremiah is scary. It is a call to people to turn from their sins before it is too late. Time is running out for people to repent of their sins and listen to God’s commands. Death and destruction are coming to those who refuse to listen to what God tells us. What makes Jeremiah’s prophesies so frightening is that they fit so well with what is happening in the world today. Once more the judgement of God has been set in motion against those who insist on living wicked lives.
    However, today’s passage contains reason for hope, a prophecy of God’s redemption. Yes, a day of terror is coming, a day like none that has come before. But, in the end God’s people will be saved on that day. Today, Jeremiah tells God’s people not to be afraid. God will bring His people to a life of peace and safety. This passage is one of great hope and comfort to those who love and serve the Lord.

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