I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.
Jeremiah got into confrontations with several self-appointed prophets who claimed that his prophecies of war, disaster and disease were wrong. They proclaimed that instead God was going to break the power of Babylon within a short time and return the Judean exiles to Jerusalem. Jeremiah responded to those prophets by predicting their imminent deaths and revealing their hidden sins. Jeremiah prophesied that rather than prepare for a quick return the exiles should settle in and build a life for themselves and their children. Jeremiah prophesied that the exile would extend for 70 years. As I read this passage I think of our current situation. There are those who predict good things for the future of this country, but unless the hearts of the people change I foresee nothing but war and disaster. We as Christians must call on people to be transformed. The problems that face this nation are not political problems. They are spiritual problems.

Paul tells Timothy that he left him in Ephesus so that Timothy could stop those whose teachings were contrary to the truth. Reading this passage it is hard at first to see what type of teachings he is condemning, but as I read closer I realized that Paul phrased it that way because he wanted to give us a guideline to recognize any future false teaching as well. How can we recognize false teaching and meaningless speculation? Teaching that is from God helps people to live a life of faith in God. It builds up the love in believers’ hearts and leaves them with a clear conscience. It leads them away from sexual and other sins that treat other people as objects. We are all at root sinners and must recognize that our only salvation is through the action of God.
Let me join with the psalmist in praying to God. If we give ourselves to God, He will give us happiness. If we call on the Lord in our times of trouble, He will answer us. He alone is God. Let my prayer always be:
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.
I will praise God for as long as He gives me breath and when I enter into His presence I will praise Him some more. God is merciful and compassionate. I desire that He gives me the strength to serve Him in all of my life.

Today’s proverb tells us not to visit our neighbors too often or we will wear out our welcome. This is not a problem for most of us today, since most of us rarely visit our neighbors at all. Nevertheless it is a good point to keep in mind relative to those we do spend time with (although if you are my neighbor, you are welcome to stop by.)
This is Awesome! I just saw this for the first time, and am looking at going back and sharing your thoughts on other passages. Brilliant idea!
Thank you, I started this because I have always had trouble doing a daily devotion. Writing down my thoughts on the passage and pretending that others were reading them was a way to discipline myself to actually read the Bible every day. The fact that people (other than my wife) ARE starting to actually read them every day is very gratifying to me. Please feel free to write whatever comments and thoughts you have on the passages I cover each day.
And this is why I love you!