October 12, 2023 Bible Study — Serve When You Have the Opportunity to Do So

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 25-26.

Today’s passage begins with three parables which Jesus told about the kingdom of heaven shortly before His crucifixion.  The first one warns us against waiting until we know that Jesus’ return is imminent to prepare for that day.  Repeatedly throughout the Bible we are told to seek God while He can be found, and to do His will before it is too late.  The second parable teaches us that God has given us gifts which He expects us to use to advance His kingdom.  If God has given you wealth, work to increase that wealth so that you can use it to advance His kingdom.  If God has given you skills, hone those skills so that you can use them to bring His words to others.  The final parable discusses the difference between those whom God will invite into the kingdom and those He will banish to the eternal fires.  The blessed fed Jesus when He was hungry, gave Him water when He was thirsty, clothed Him when He was naked, and extended hospitality to Him when He was a stranger, while the damned did none of these things.  The members of both groups were equally unaware of any opportunity they may have had to serve Him in this way.  Jesus tells us that whenever we did, or did not, do these things for the least, we did, or did not, do it for Him.   If you read this and do not immediately start thinking about trying to figure out how you can feed more of those who are hungry, or clothe more of those who need clothing, or visit more those who are sick or in prison, you will find yourself among the goats.  Both groups felt like they never had the opportunity to serve God in this way, the difference was that the sheep kept looking because they thought they had not done so.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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