October 12, 2017 Bible Study — Taking Advantage of Our Opportunities to Care for Others to Give Ourselves More Such Opportunities

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Matthew 25-26.

    In today’s passage Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven using three parables: the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom, the three servants each given a share of their master’s money to manage, and the Sheep and the Goats. We usually interpret these parables independently. The middle parable always bothers me because I often feel that, like the third servant, I have made poor use of the gifts which God has given me. However, it struck me today that in some ways we need to look at all three parables as progressively expanding on the same theme (which does not absolve me of having made poor use of my gifts, but changes the context in which that use is evaluated). Five of the virgins had failed to bring extra oil with them and when the arrival was delayed, they were unprepared. In light of the other two parables, these represent people who start out well but then think they have done enough. The second parable represents people who are offered opportunities to serve the Lord (feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide hospitality to strangers, visit and look after those who are sick or in prison). So, in light of all three parables, have we used the opportunities to care for others to give ourselves more opportunities to care for others?

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