October 10, 2015 Bible Study

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Proverbs 25:1-5

    I interpret the first of these proverbs as telling us that it is an expression of God’s glory to have created this world with mysteries and it is to the glory of those in government to support investigations to solve those mysteries (investment in scientific research). A government will be secure if the wicked are removed from it.


Psalm 80

    Turn us again to Yourself, Oh God, that we might be saved. It will only be then that we will be able to prosper once more. Let us pray that God turns the people of this, and every, nation to Him. It will only be then that peace and justice will reign on this earth.


1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13

    Paul commends the Thessalonian believers for accepting the Gospel as the word of God, which it is. There are those who think the Gospel message conveyed in the New Testament contains many good teachings, but they, also, believe that it was composed by men. Therefore they believe that they can pick and choose which of its teachings to follow.
    Troubles will come for those who choose to accept the Gospel, in its entirety, as the word of God. This fact is why so many attempt to pick and choose which parts they will accept. Of course those same people are the ones from whom many of the troubles arise for those who follow the will of God.


Jeremiah 14:11-16:15

    As Jeremiah prophesied to the people of the coming disaster, they refused to listen. Instead, they listened to the prophets who told them that peace and prosperity were just around the corner. Jeremiah calls them false prophets to whom God has not spoken. If we spend a little time looking at what was going on in the world at the time of Jeremiah, we can see why God held the people accountable for listening to the false prophets. Anyone who looked at the world around them could see that peace was not on the horizon. Things were getting worse and rather than turn to God in repentance the people were doubling down on their sins. I fear for people today because I see people doing much the same thing now.

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