November 8, 2023 Bible Study — Live So That Those Who Look at Us See the One Who Sent Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  John 12-13.

I am going to write some thoughts today which I have not completely worked through, so I am not convinced that I will be able to express them without allowing them to be understood as meaning something which is sacrilegious.  Jesus said that if we wish to serve Him, we must follow Him and that if we are His servants we must be where He is.  I understand this to mean that we must be willing to face a death as painful as His if that is where He leads us.  From there He tells those listening to believe in the light while they have the light.  Then,  a little further on He says that the one who looks at Him see the One who sent Him.  Finally, He says that He came into the world as a light so that no one who believes in Him should stay in darkness.  Therefore, as we live our lives those who look at us will see the one who sent us.  If that One is Jesus, they will see the light and have the opportunity to believe in Him, becoming children of light just as we have become children of light.  Let us strive to allow the light of the Spirit to shine through us so that others have the opportunity to walk in the Light of God’s love.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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