November 7, 2016 Bible Study — The Good Shepherd

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on John 10-11.

    I struggle with fully extracting the meaning from the parable of the Good Shepherd. There are several things which stand out. The first is that there are those who have striven to become religious leaders solely for their own benefit. We can recognize such leaders because they do not take people through Jesus to salvation. When someone tries to separate Jesus’ teachings from Jesus and His death and resurrection, we know that they are those Jesus referred to as thieves in this parable. The other thing is that Jesus’ true followers do not listen to such people. They recognize Jesus’ voice and are not led astray by such charlatans. There have been those who have come who have deceived true Christians for a time. However, if we continue to listen for Jesus’ voice such deception will soon fail. Jesus promises us that no one is able to snatch us from His hand. If we continue to listen for His voice He will guide us to safety.

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