November 6, 2022 Bible Study — Those Who Follow Jesus Walk In The Light

Today, I am reading and commenting on  John 8-9.

As I study today’s passage I see Jesus trying different ways to express the same idea while those listening to Him keep missing His point.  John has written about Jesus teaching about light before this, but starts today’s passage with Jesus telling those who followed Him that those who  follow Him will always walk in the light.  From there He goes on to say that if we do not believe that “I am he” we will die in our sins.  Jesus then returns to His theme, if we hold to His teachings we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.  Which led those listening to dispute that they needed to be freed.  Jesus answered them by saying that those who sin are slaves to sin.  Those to whom He was speaking were unwilling to accept this, revealing themselves to be more invested in a lie than in hearing the truth.  Finally we get to the account of the man born blind.  When the Pharisees questioned the man born blind about his healing they said, “We know this man is a sinner.”  To which the man born blind replied, “One thing I know, I was blind and now I see.”  The Pharisees heard what Jesus said and saw what He did, but refused to believe and so were made spiritually blind.  The man born blind had faith and thus was given sight, both physically and spiritually.


Some people say that there are many paths to God.  This is often said as a criticism/contradiction of the claim by Christians that no one can come to God except through Jesus.  I want to say that I agree that one can follow one of many different paths in order to find God…but they all lead to Jesus.  No matter what path one chooses to follow in seeking God, that path will sooner or later either lead you to Christ, or it will never lead you to God at all.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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