November 4, 2020 Bible Study Worship God In Spirit and In Truth

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on John 4-5

As I read this I was struck by Jesus statement that the time has arrived for true worshipers to worship God in spirit and in truth.  The context in which He made this statement was in response to a question about worshiping God on Mt Gerizim or in Jerusalem.  The time has come when we must truthfully worship God.  If we worship God in spirit and in truth He will send us to harvest those He is bringing to eternal life.  If we worship in spirit and in truth, we will follow Jesus’ example as shown later in today’s passage.  When the Jewish leaders harassed Jesus for breaking their Sabbath rules He told them that His Father was always working, so He was as well.  We need to always be working to bring blessings to those around us, to show them how to worship in spirit and in truth.  If we listen to Jesus’ message and act according to His instructions we will receive eternal life and, more importantly, we will show others how they too can receive that eternal life.  I wanted to end there, but I need to write one more thing from this passage.  We can do nothing by ourselves, just as Jesus said that He could do nothing by Himself.  Jesus did only what He saw the Father doing.  We should do only that which we see Jesus doing.

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