November 4, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on John 4-5.

    When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, He went against social norms. It is worth noting that Jesus did not make this contact in the interest of outreach. He made this contact simply because He was thirsty. It never crossed Jesus’ mind that this woman was someone He should not talk to…and it should never cross ours. His willingness to interact with this woman, this outcast, just as part of a casual interaction led to the salvation of many.


    When the disciples returned to Jesus, He spoke to them of the harvest. He told them that the fields were ready for harvest. Now is the time to reap the harvest by bringing people the message that leads to eternal life. Jesus was clearly talking about the world around them and the people of the day. The same is true today. The fields are ripe for harvest and God is calling for workers who are willing to gather His harvest for Him.

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