November 30, 2014 Bible Study — Those Who Claim to Be Without Sin Are Deceiving Themselves

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Proverbs 28:23-24

    In the long run people appreciate those who honestly tell them what they are doing wrong more than those who tell them how wonderful they are. As time goes by, people realize that it is the people who tell them how to make themselves better who really care about them. Those who are always flattering us don’t really care about us, they are merely trying to get something from us.


Psalm 119:153-176

    People will harass and persecute us for following God’s instructions. Nevertheless, God will rescue us from such torment. If we follow God’s instructions and commands we will not fear the actions of mere men. God’s regulations will stand forever. They do not change. If we obey God’s commands he will rescue us. Yet, that is not the reason I obey His instruction. I obey God’s instructions because I love them. I have learned that doing as God directs gives me great happiness and leads to fulfillment in my life.


1 John 1:1-10

    The writer starts out by stating that he witnessed Jesus’ life and teaching, that he touched Jesus with his own hands. He goes on to tell us that he is writing so that we can share the joy he gains from fellowship with God and Jesus Christ. God is light. There is no possibility of darkness in Him. This passage reminds me of a fact that was pointed out to me some time back: darkness is not a thing. Darkness is the absence of a thing. Darkness is the absence of light. In the same way, evil is not a thing. It is the absence of a thing. Evil is the absence of good. The writer here is telling us that in the same which the sun is the source of light on the earth, God is the source of goodness. It is only by living in the light, the goodness, that comes from God that we can have fellowship with each other and with God. If we live a life where we are hiding parts of ourselves from God (and thus living in spiritual darkness), we cannot have fellowship with God (or with each other).
    To make sure we get the point he is making the author than modifies his metaphor slightly. If we deny that we sin we are lying. If we believe it when we do so, we are lying to ourselves. More than that, we are calling God a liar. On the other hand, if we confess our sins to God, acknowledging that they are sins (and by calling them sins we are acknowledging that they are things which do not truly bring us happiness), He will forgive them and cleanse us of them (and other wickedness we had not yet realized was in us). I think that parenthetical bit is part of why we are often reluctant to confess our sins. We do not want to learn what other wickedness is in our hearts.


Daniel 7:1-28

    Over the years I have had many different thoughts about what this passage means. There is definitely a parallel between it and the first dream which Daniel interpreted for Nebuchadnezzar. This vision also represents four kingdoms which will rise on the earth. However, it does not seem to be the same four kingdoms (although that may be a result of not understanding it, or the previous account, properly). I have come to realize that understanding the precise meaning of this vision is not necessary to see God’s message for us.
    The vision describes how worldly powers arise and have dominance for a time, but in the end God will give the earth and all that is in it to His people. In particular, some governments arise which will defy God and attempt to usurp His place. However, God will sit in judgement against them and bring them down in submission to His will. The fourth beast may refer to a particular empire in world history. In many ways it appears to be the Seleucid Empire, one of whose rulers defiled the Temple in Jerusalem. It can also be interpreted as the Roman Empire, which ruled when Christ was born. Or, it can be interpreted as some empire not yet identified which will fall when Christ returns. I have seen and heard all three interpretations presented.
    I believe that the important thing is to recognize when boastful rulers arise who resemble the “little horn”. These rulers will do great evil and lead many to blaspheme against God. Let us be on guard so that such people do not lead us astray.

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