November 3, 2022 Bible Study — Allowing The Light To Reveal Us Completely, Warts and All

Today, I am reading and commenting on  John 1-3.

When Jesus was talking with Nicodemus He said that God had sent His Son into the world to save the world, not to condemn the world.  That whoever believes in the Son is not condemned, but those who do not believe in Him are condemned.  Which brings us to what I want to write about today.  Jesus tells us that the verdict by which they were condemned was that Light had come into the world, but people preferred darkness to light.  Those who do evil hate the light , want to stay out of the light, because they know that the light will expose their deeds.  On the other hand, those who seek the truth and to live by the truth, come into the light so that they do can be seen.  They want everyone to see that they are not afraid for their actions to be seen by God.  This fits in with Luke’s reports of Jesus saying that everything which is hidden will be revealed.  All of this leads me to the understanding that if we wish to not be condemned we need to be willing to have our actions exposed to the light.  Not because we have lived perfect lives, but because we are willing to be held accountable for our sins and our mistakes.  We need to be willing to stand before God and man and acknowledge that we are broken sinful people who need forgiveness from God and our fellow man.  We need God to transform us so that we do not continue to sin, and we need the help of those around us to live as God’s Spirit directs.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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