November 29, 2022 Bible Study — Paul Explains Human Sexuality And How Sexual Immorality Impacts Our Spiritual Life

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 Corinthians 5-8.

The focus for most of today’s passage is on human sexuality.  Paul makes the point that when we have sex with someone we become physically and spiritually united with them.  Therefore if we become sexually promiscuous the constant connect and disconnect that entails damages us both physically and spiritually.  In fact, Paul suggests that the optimal answer is to avoid sexual entanglements altogether, but acknowledges that not everyone has the physical and spiritual makeup to do so.  For those of us who need a partner, either because we need the spiritual support or because we need the physical release, Paul commands that we form such a bond with one other person*.  Paul makes it clear that such a relationship is marriage (with all of the commitments that entails), whether we make that official or not.  Paul expresses the opinion that the highest calling for a Christian is to be asexual.  He makes it clear that when he says this he is expressing his own opinion, not a revelation from the Holy Spirit.  He also tells us that not everyone can live up to that, and that those who cannot should get married.  After much thought I conclude that God calls some people to minister to Him by marrying and others to minister to Him by remaining single (and celibate).  The Church should encourage young people to consider whether or not they have been called to the latter (not try to convince them that they are called to such a path, merely to consider it)


*NOTE: I do not believe that Paul explicitly condemns polygamy, but the implications of what he writes about marriage and sexuality strongly favors monogamy.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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