November 29, 2014 Bible Study — Hurrying The End

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Proverbs 28:21-22

    It is wrong to show partiality, even though there are people who will do wrong for even the most minimal of reasons. This is an interesting statement of how we should behave. Even though we know some people will do wrong for very poor reasons, we should still treat them the same as everyone else.


Psalm 119:129-152

    The psalmist continues with his praise of God’s instructions and commands. God’s laws are wonderful, those who understand them are happy to obey them. However, perhaps the most important point made by the psalmist is this

The teaching of your word gives light,
so even the simple can understand.

It does not require a genius, or great training, to understand God’s word. As we study God’s word, the combination of studying it and the Holy Spirit will provide all of the insight we need to understand what we are reading. All too many times people use their learning to find ways to claim that God did not command what His word says that He did command. We may be despised and insignificant but if we ask God, He will give us the understanding and strength to obey His law.
    Sometimes when we are under pressure and stress we are tempted to forgo studying God’s word. This is a terrible mistake, because studying God’s word is one of the best antidotes for stress.


2 Peter 3:1-18

    Peter reminds us that Jesus will return. It may seem like it has been a long time since He promised to return, but God does not view time the same way we do. From God’s point of view there is no significant difference between a day and a thousand years. The reason for the delay between the promise and the return is because God is patient. He desires that everyone repent, so is willing to give people time to do so. Nevertheless, the end will come suddenly and without warning.
    In due time, everything we can see or touch is going to be destroyed. Which means that we should live godly and holy lives. One result of living godly lives will be that we eagerly look forward to the coming end and seek to hurry it along. The question is, how do we hurry that day along? Looking at what Peter said just a few sentences earlier there are two things we can do to speed Christ’s return. The first is repent of our sins and turn to God. Hopefully, we have already done this. The second follows from the first.
    The other thing we can do to speed Christ’s return is convince others to repent of their sins and accept Christ’s salvation. Since repentance is fully volitional, that is it must be something that one does entirely by one’s own free will, this involves demonstrating to others that this is a desirable thing to do. Repentance involves regretting our actions, not just getting caught. This is why it must be entirely volitional. I can use force to regret getting caught, but I cannot use force to make you regret the action itself (except insomuch as you believe that you could not take the action without getting caught).


Daniel 6:1-28

    When his daily devotions became illegal, Daniel refused to change his habit of praying before God each day. Those officials who had written the law, and flattered the king into enacting it, knew that Daniel would remain faithful to God. That was why they proposed the law in the first place. Daniel is an example for us. Even though his enemies enacted a law to directly target his faithful service to God, he refused to change his behavior. He did not let the threatened dire consequences deter him from being faithful to God. Let us do likewise.
    There is another lesson to be learned here. When the king realized that Daniel was to be condemned as a result of the law he passed, he regretted his actions. It is important that we think through all of the consequences of our actions. The king only saw how this law would increase his stature and never thought to ask himself why these officials wanted him to enact such a law. What did they have to gain from it? We need to be careful not to make the same mistake.

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