November 28, 2013 Bible Study — O Lord, Sustain Me

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 5:1-31

     Nebuchadnezzar’s successor, King Belshazzar, threw a feast. During the feast he decided to demonstrate his power by bringing the cups which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and using them to praise and worship his gods. While they ate and drank, giving praise to the many idols which they worshiped, a hand appeared and wrote on the wall. He called for his wise men to tell him what the writing meant, but none of them could read it. He and his court were struck with terror. The queen mother heard the commotion and told him to send for Daniel. When Daniel arrived, King Belshazzar offered him great honors if he could tell him what the writing meant. Daniel declined the honors and read the message.
     This story is about what happens when someone comes to believe that they are in the position they are in because they are more deserving of honor than others. We are in whatever position we are in in life because God desires to make use of us there. The good things do not happen because we are better than others, or more deserving. The bad things do not happen because we are worse than others, or less deserving. In both cases, God puts us in that situation so that we can serve Him. When we fail to use the circumstances we find ourselves in to serve God, things can only get worse as illustrated in this story.


2 Peter 2:1-22

     Peter tells us that just as their were false prophets among the people of Israel there will be false teachers among the followers of Christ. These teachers will teach clever but destructive heresies, things which sound much like the truth but contain twists which destroy. He explains how we can recognize them by their greed and immorality. They will teach that immorality is not immoral. They appeal to twisted sexual desires and to greed. They promise freedom but are themselves slaves to sin and selfish desires. I read this and it is as if he is speaking to those of today who proclaim that sexual immorality is not immoral and those who proclaim that following God will result in becoming wealthy and having all of one’s material desires satisfied.
     Sandwiched in the middle of his prophecies against false teachers is a promise to those who are faithful. He points out that Noah and Job both lived in the midst of wicked people, people whose wickedness would lead to their destruction. Yet in both cases God provided rescue. God delivered both Noah and Job from the destruction He was about to bring upon the people among whom they lived. Neither Job nor Noah lived lives as examples of perfect moral behavior. However, both were deemed righteous by God because they strove to worship and obey Him, despite their human weaknesses. Let us today stand as witnesses to those around us and call them to turn from their wickedness. Destruction is coming, but I will not fear it because God has promised to save those who strive to serve Him. I am deserving of God’s judgment, but I have faith that. through Christ Jesus, He will have mercy on me.


Psalm 119:113-128

     The psalmist warns us against divided loyalties. We cannot be loyal to both God and material desires. I will seek to follow God’s commands and serve Him all of my days. I will put my hope and trust in Him. I will not take the counsel of evil-minded people, instead I will study the Lord’s word and obey His commands. This psalm touches me deeply today and raises my spirits when so much is going wrong. I have been truly blessed by God.


Proverbs 28:19-20

     It is through hard work that our needs are met, those who pursue get-rich-quick schemes and fantasies of wealth end up in poverty.

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