November 23, 2023 Bible Study — The Righteous Live by Faith

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Romans 1-3.

Today’s passage contains a lot which I would like to write about, probably more than I can fit into one entry.  So, I will start at the beginning and work through as far as I can get.  I will start with something which Paul says which we should feel the same way.  He was not ashamed of the Gospel, because by it God gives salvation to everyone who believes.  What Paul writes here can easily become just jargon which only communicates anything to those who already know what it means.  That is not Paul’s intention.  So, to understand this I want to go back to what Jesus said the Gospel was, what good news He instructed His disciples to preach.  Jesus told us that the good news is that the Kingdom of God is near, and that the righteous can enter into it.  Paul is expanding on that point by telling us that the Kingdom of God is here and we may enter into it now, if we choose to be righteous.  He then tells us that righteousness only comes from faith (Paul expands on this later).

Paul goes on to tell us why we must urgently speak God’s Gospel to those around us: God’s wrath against those who choose wickedness and evil is about to be revealed.  He then answers the arguments of those who say God’s wrath is not fair.  He makes the point that God created the world in such a way as to make His power and characteristics clear to anyone who chose to understand.  That only by deliberately choosing to misunderstand could people fail to understand God’s nature.  Paul then points out that most people have chosen to reject knowledge of God in order to embrace wickedness.  Further Paul tells us that rejecting the knowledge of God results in having a depraved mind and doing things that ought not to be done.  Those who reject God degrade their bodies and themselves.  However, Paul does not allow for us to look down upon others as wicked while viewing ourselves as righteous because  he points out that all have sinned.  We are all guilty of, at some point, of denying our knowledge of God in order to embrace some sort of wickedness.  So, none of us are better than anyone else.  I cannot boast of being better than anyone else because I am just as guilty before God as anyone else.  In order to enter the Kingdom of God, we must have faith that God can and will make us righteous.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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