November 23, 2017 Bible Study — All Have Sinned

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 1-3.

    This is perhaps one of the most complex messages in the Bible. Paul starts by telling us that we are made with God by faith. However, no sooner has Paul said this then he finds it necessary to preach a bit of fire and brimstone about sin. Before we can truly understand God’s glorious grace we must understand the depth of our depravity. In order to make the case for the depravity of those who do not have faith in God, Paul makes the case that looking at the created universe reveals God’s existence and His Law (the Law which the Law of Moses is just an expression, just as the Temple in Jerusalem was just an expression of the Temple in Heaven where God lives). No one has an excuse for not knowing God since He has revealed Himself through the Universe. Paul tells us that sexual depravity is the first of the moral failings which come from denying God, all other forms of depravity follow from there.

    In his description of the sexual depravity to which abandoned those who have chosen, against the evidence, to refuse to worship God, Paul pretty much lists the entirety of LGBTQA. However, before we become arrogant and start condemning those who travel that path, Paul reminds us of our own failings. We are just as guilty as those whose utter depravity Paul just described and we know that God has condemned the actions which we commit. Paul makes the very clear point that we are all guilty of sin, sin which makes us deserving of death. We have all sinned, every last one of us. As a result, we have no basis to boast about being better than others, because we are not.

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