November 19, 2014 Bible Study — Faith Without Works Is Dead

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Proverbs 28:2

    When a nation has no moral code, its government will easily fall and chaos will rule its streets. But a nation with wise and knowledgeable leaders will be stable and prosperous.


Psalm 118:1-18

    Yes, the faithful love of the Lord endures forever. If the Lord is for me, I need not fear. Nothing can harm me if God is standing by side. The strong arm of God has done glorious things and I will agree with what the psalmist says:

I will not die; instead, I will live
to tell what the Lord has done.

Will you join me in telling the world what the Lord has done?


James 2:18-3:18

    James discusses the meat of his teaching on faith in today’s passage. Yes, faith is important and it is through faith we are saved. However, it is not enough to believe, what we believe must change how we act. If our faith in Christ does not cause us to perform good deeds that faith is of no value. Even the demons believe in God, even so they have chosen to rebel against Him. Saving faith will lead us to behave in a righteous manner.
    James goes on to talk about the importance of controlling what we say. He uses several metaphors to demonstrate how an ill-chosen word can cause great damage. While he stresses the importance of controlling our tongues, he, also, points out that doing so is a herculean task. One which we will probably never accomplish fully. Even though we will probably never be completely successful we should constantly strive to have greater control over what we let slip out of our mouths.


Ezekiel 39-40:27

    Ezekiel prophesied that a mighty ruler with a great army will attack Israel because he perceives them to be defenseless. He warns that God will strike the armies attacking Israel down with a devastating blow. I am not sure if this prophecy refers to a specific instance or if it is a prophecy about what will happen to those leaders who allow their hubris, their overwhelming arrogance, to lead them to attack God’s people. However, it certainly reads like something which I could see happening in the world today.
    The implication of this prophecy is that some nation, or group of nations, will attack Israel with overwhelming force, but be destroyed before they can damage the nation of Israel. If this is a singular event, Israel’s enemies will all be destroyed in a short time. Israel will prosper as a result of this attack. The army which attacked Israel intending to plunder it will itself be plundered by Israel. The prophet tells us that it will take the people of Israel seven months to gather the bodies and bury the dead from the attacking army. Further they will acquire enough fuel from plundering the army’s supplies to last them seven years. Those who sought to overwhelm and destroy God’s people will be destroyed and provide prosperity to them instead.

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