November 16, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:21-22

    The content of our character is tested by how we react to being flattered. All too often we become inclined to agree with someone who tells us how much they respect our judgment because of how smart we are. Be careful to be swayed by the argument, not by the flattery.


Psalm 115

    Let us not do things to gain glory for ourselves, let us give glory to God for the results which He brings about. We can praise the Lord both now and forever, let us take advantage of the opportunity.


Hebrews 13

    There are a lot of good points made by the writer here.

  • Show hospitality to strangers, because you will be blessed for doing so.
  • This is especially relevant for us in light of what is going on in the world.

  • Remember those suffering as if you yourself were suffering. Give them the aid you would want if you were in their circumstances.
  • This is also relevant considering what has recently happened in Paris, and Beirut, and elsewhere, in recent days.

  • Honor marriage, even if you are not married…and if you are married remain faithful to your spouse.
  • Do not love money. Instead be satisfied with what you have, because God has promised to provide for us.

The writer wraps up this section of things by reminding us that Jesus is the same today as He was yesterday, and tomorrow He will still be the same. Do not get caught up with new ideas and teachings. Our strength comes from God’s grace not from rules about food or behavior, but that does not mean that anything goes either.


Ezekiel 33-34

    This passage reminds us that some of us are called to be watchmen and some are called to be shepherds. It is the watchman’s job to sound the alarm. Those of us who are called to be watchmen are called to warn people that they will suffer as a consequence of their sins. If the people do not listen to the warning and die in their sins, the watchman will be innocent of their death. If, on the other hand, the watchman fails to give the warning, the people will still die in their sins, but God will hold the watchman responsible for their death.
    Some of us have been called to be shepherds of the flock, to lead God’s people. Such people are called to feed the sheep, tend the sick, bind up the wounded. They are called to go looking for those who have wandered away and those who have become lost. They are called to handle the flock with tenderness and care, not with harshness and cruelty. A;; too many of those who are called to shepherd God’s flock use that opportunity for their own benefit. They do not care for God’s flock and allow it to be scattered.

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