November 14, 2023 Bible Study — Do Not Resist the Holy Spirit

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Acts 7-8.

Reading today’s passage I noticed that when Stephen is responding to his accusers he points out that the Israelites had rejected Moses when he first tried to rescue them from the Egyptians, before he fled to Midian.  I never noticed that before, primarily because I have always read that part of the Exodus account as Moses acting before God’s time.  Stephen goes on to speak about how the Israelites later rejected Moses when he was on Mount Sinai.  Stephen used this to illustrate the way in which the Israelites resisted the Holy Spirit.  We must be careful to not make the mistake of thinking Stephen’s message about resisting the Holy Spirit applies only to the Israelites, or only to Jews.  Stephen’s message is one we should take to heart as we examine ourselves to see in what ways we may be resisting the working of the Holy Spirit today.  And perhaps the way we most resist the working of Holy Spirit is by our unwillingness to echo Stephen’s final prayer, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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