May 31, 2020 Bible Study All Are Welcome To Worship The Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezra 6-8.

I really struggle with understanding the timeline of the rebuilding, and pauses in rebuilding, of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem.   In yesterday’s passage we read about how those who opposed the rebuilding of the Temple obtained an order from the King of Persia to stop the construction.  Then after a new king took the throne of Persia, the returned exiles began work once more and a second generation of the leaders of the locals (although by this time most of those involved were locals) sent to the King of Persia for direction.  This King of Persia ordered them to provide support to the rebuilding effort.

When the rebuilding effort was completed, they celebrated the Passover.  I want to go back to mention something from yesterday’s passage that this celebration sheds new light on.  In yesterday’s passage the returned exiles rejected the offer of help from those living in the land to help rebuild the Temple.  In today’s passage, when the returned exiles celebrated the Passover, they welcomed the participation of those living in the land who had turned from the corrupt practices which combined idolatry with the worship of God.  This helps me understand the initial rejection of help.  They rejected the help of those who wanted to incorporate their own practices into the design and worship practices of the Temple, but they allowed those who wished to join in their worship to join them.  We should follow their example.  All should be welcome to join in our worship of the Lord, but that does not mean that we incorporate their sinful practices into ours.


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