May 31, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Finished

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Proverbs 16:12-13

    A ruler who wants stability will detest wrongdoing and build his rule on justice. When those who govern a society do not honour those who speak honestly, that society will suffer.


Psalm 119:129-152

    I want to have the same passion for God’s word that the psalmist had. I want to pant with expectation as I long for God’s commands. I want the Holy Spirit to guide my steps so that I will not be overcome with evil. I am insignificant, nobody of any importance, but I will follow God’s instructions. By acting according to God’s will, I will improve the world around me, even if only by a small amount. I ask God to give me understanding of His laws so that I may live.


John 19:23-42

    While Jesus was hanging on the cross, He saw His mother standing next to John. He told John to take care of His mother in His place and told His mother to treat John as her son. Then, having settled His affairs on this earth, He cried out, “It is finished” and gave up His life. He did not fear death, so He was able to recognize that the time had come and surrender to God’s will. We, also, have no need to fear death, because in Jesus we have victory over death. It is my goal to face death in the manner which Jesus did.
    John points out the various ways in which prophecies were fulfilled in the events surrounding Jesus’ death. In addition, it is important to John that when the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side blood and water poured out. I am not sure if John’s emphasis on this is because it is sure proof that Jesus was dead, or if there is theological significance to it. Considering that some people try to explain away the Resurrection by claiming that Jesus never actually died, the former is certainly distinctly possible. Further, when combined with Jesus’ comment about being thirsty just before He died, it gives us a complete picture into the cause of death that it is improbably that John would have been aware enough of to fabricate.


2 Samuel 17:1-29

    One of David’s advisers, Ahithophel, had defected to Absalom. David had sent another, Hushai, to join Absalom’s advisers to offset the advice of the first one. Ahithophel advised Absalom to send him with troop of men after David at once. Hushai played on both Absalom’s fear of his father, emphasizing the fighting prowess of David and his men, and his ego, recommending that he lead the troops himself. Absalom chose to take the advice of Hushai. Ahithophel recognized that Absalom’s only chance of victory was to move quickly to defeat David before David had time to plan his campaign. When Ahithophel realized that Absalom would not follow that course of action, he put his affairs in order and took his own life. Ahithophel realized that David would be victorious.
    When I read this account, and Absalom’s response to the advice he was given, I see a lesson here for us. Absalom’s mistake grew out of the two key flaws in his personality. He respected his father for the wrong reasons. He saw only his father’s military prowess and did not recognize the role David’s faith in God played in his successes. Absalom’s other flaw was his desire to be loved and honoured without having to do the work to earn that love and honour.

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