May 3, 2016 Bible Study — Even When We Sin, God Will Hear Our Prayers

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 13-14.

    I wrote the other day about the fact that I have been reading through the Bible every year for four years now. Yet I still cannot keep the names of the various kings straight, which has absolutely nothing to do with the point I want to highlight. King Jehoahaz did what was evil in God’s sight. He led the people of Israel into such sin that God was furious with them. As a result of His anger God allowed Israel’s enemies to defeat them repeatedly. Finally, Jehoahaz prayed for God’s help and God provided rescue for Israel. The important lesson here is how much God loves us. Despite Jehoahaz’s sin, and that of the people he led, God felt compassion for him when he called out to God and God answered his prayer. No matter how badly we have sinned, God will hear and answer our prayers. However, if that happens, let us not be as Jehoahaz and return to our sins once God has rescued us.

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