May 28, 2017 Bible Study — Doing The Lord’s Will In The Face of Coming Disaster

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 34-36.

    Josiah’s father was assassinated when Josiah was eight years old and Josiah became king. When he was 16 he began to seek God. When he turned 20 he began systematically destroying and desecrating all of the idols, symbols of idolatry, and places “holy” to other gods. He did this not just in the territory of Judah, but in all the land that had been part of Israel. He then ordered the repair of the Temple. During that repair the priests found a copy of the Book of the Law. Josiah was horrified when he learned how badly he and the rest of the people of Israel had failed to keep God’s commands and immediately sought God’s guidance for what they should do. The response Josiah received was that it was too late to prevent the disaster which God was going to pour out on the people of Israel, but because Josiah had repented in sorrow for the sins God would delay it. Josiah chose to continue in faithfulness despite that being insufficient to prevent the coming disaster. I am always inspired by Josiah and his leadership. Under his leadership the people enthusiastically worshiped and served God in the face of impending tragedy.

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