May 28, 2014 Bible Study — We Do Not Belong To This World

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Proverbs 16:6-7

    There has been debate in the last few days about the young man who had “everything” yet went on a killing spree. People have been trying to figure out why he committed this act. In a way, this proverb answers that question. No one ever taught him to fear the Lord. Those who fear the Lord avoid evil. This young man, rather than avoiding evil, chose evil.


Psalm 119:81-96

    It may seem like God is long-delayed in coming to our rescue when we experience difficult times, but if we continue to obey His commands, He will rescue us. Those who hate God’s commands will dig traps for those who are faithful, but we will avoid those traps by carefully keeping God’s commands. God’s word and His love are eternal. I will remember and follow God’s commands. As I do so, He will, in His time, deliver me from all troubles.


John 17:1-26

    Here John recounts a prayer which Jesus prayed for His disciples, but not just those who were with Him at the time, but also for all who would believe in Him through the testimony of those who were present. Let us seek to be in perfect unity with all who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus is sending us into the world in the same way in which the Father sent Him into the world. Let us not flinch from the blows the world will send our way in the same manner which it sent blows toward Jesus. Let us stand up to the world in service to God and His truth because following the truth of God’s message will bring us great joy. The world will hate us because we refuse to serve it. Let us take that hate as a sign of honour.


2 Samuel 13:1-39

    As I read this passage I see the problems described in this passage arising from two sources. First, David’s sons saw how their father behaved in the affair with Bathsheba. His power allowed him to have what he wanted, and while David knew the suffering he experienced as a consequence of his actions his sons were unlikely to see the connection. Second, David did not discipline his sons. He allowed them to believe that they could get away with whatever they wished. David had too many wives and too many children to be a good father to his sons. He failed to instill in his sons the same faith in God which he himself possessed.

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