May 26, 2023 Bible Study — The “Clergy” Are Not Always Enthusiastic About Revival

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 29-30.

Today’s passage reminds me of why we spend so much time focusing on Hezekiah as one of the good kings of Judah and less time on some of the other good kings, such as Asa.  Hezekiah’s father, Ahaz, had been a truly evil king.  Essentially the first thing Hezekiah did upon taking the throne was to begin reversing his father’s evil policies.  Hezekiah immediately initiated a process of purifying the temple, and as soon as the temple was purified he called the people to assemble to worship the Lord.  As I recount this, I struggle with communicating the infectious, joyous enthusiasm for worshiping the Lord which Hezekiah and the people shared as recounted in this passage.  In fact, the people were so enthusiastic in their return to public worship of the Lord that not enough priests had been consecrated in time for this celebration.  Reading the passage suggests that the “common” Levites and the ordinary people were more enthusiastic about this spiritual revival than the priests, who should have been leading the way.  That particular fact should be a lesson to us today.  The “clergy” are often less enthusiastic about the restoration of worshiping God, about spiritual revival, than ordinary people.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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