May 26, 2020 Bible Study Accepting All Who Wish To Serve and Worship the Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 29-30.

So, I wonder how Hezekiah came to be such a staunch follower of God after the extremes to which his father had gone.  Perhaps it was a combination of contrasting his father with his grandfather (Hezekiah was 9 when his grandfather died) and seeing his father sacrifice some of his younger brothers.  In any case, he called on the priests and Levites to purify themselves so that they could lead the people in worship of God once more.  King Hezekiah did something interesting: when he offered sacrifices for the people’s sins, he did not just offer sacrifices for the sins of the people of Judah, over whom he ruled, he offered sacrifices for all of the people of Israel, many of whom did not acknowledge his sovereignty.

Then when Hezekiah decided to hold Passover, he chose to hold it a month late because there was not time to prepare and have people gather in time for the normal time.  However, King Hezekiah did not reach this decision on his own, he did so in consultation with his advisers and representatives of the people.  Further, he sent word throughout all of the lands settled by the Israelites, even though he knew that most of them would reject celebrating the Passover as silly.  Finally, when they held the Passover, King Hezekiah made accommodation for those who had not properly prepared themselves.  We, also, should allow for those who wish to seek the Lord, but still struggle with sin.  We should not ask people to have cleaned all of the sin out of their lives before we accept their participation in our services and activities worshiping and serving God.  All we ask is that they strive to do better going forward.

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