I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I started writing this blog because the only way I can get myself to read the Bible everyday is to pretend that I am teaching someone about what it says to me. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

After he heard about the death of Abner, Ishbosheth lost all confidence and the forces supporting him became paralyzed. Two brothers decided to ingratiate themselves to David by killing Ishbosheth. They cut off Ishbosheth’s head and took it to David. When they presented it to David, expecting him to honor them for eliminating his rival, he ordered them killed for killing Ishbosheth.
After the death of Ishbosheth the elders of Israel came to David and made him their king. David then set out to conquer Jerusalem and make it his capital. It is interesting that even though the account tells us that the elders of Israel came to David and made him their king immediately (or at least shortly) after the death of Ishbosheth, it also tells us that his reign was over all of Israel was not counted as starting until he moved his capital to Jerusalem. Once David took control of Jerusalem, the Philistines attacked him on two occasions. The first time David defeated them using a frontal attack. The second time, he launched a flanking attack. On both occasions, David gave credit to God for his victory.
After these victories David decided to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem from Abinadab’s house, where it had been since it was returned by the Philistines. He gathered a force of 30,000 elite warriors to accompany the Ark (it is not made clear why he gathered such a large force for this). He had the Ark placed on a cart and began transporting it. The cart carrying the Ark was guided by Abinadab’s sons, Uzzah and Ahio. The event was a festival and a celebration worshiping God. However, the celebration was cut short when they got near to Jerusalem. The oxen pulling the cart stumbled and Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark. Uzzah was struck dead because of this. David was angry and a little afraid because of this and left the Ark in the care of the person whose land they were crossing at the time. The account tells us that God blessed the household of the man in whose care David left the Ark of God.
After three months, when David heard about how much God had blessed the man he had left the Ark with, he decided to bring it the rest of the way to Jerusalem. Once more he began a celebration to bring the Ark to Jerusalem. This time, however, he had the Ark carried rather than transported on a cart. David threw himself fully into the celebration with no thought for his dignity. David’s wife Micah, Saul’s daughter, saw David’s behavior and was offended by it. She thought that David had failed to show the proper dignity of a king. She confronted David about his behavior. David replied that he was willing to be humiliated to worship and celebrate before God. Are we willing to face the contempt of others in order to worship God the way He calls us to do?

After washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus told them that He would be with them only a short time longer and that where He was going, they would be unable to follow. In the meantime, they were to love one another in the same way and to the same degree that Jesus had loved them. Their love for one another would prove that they were His disciples. Peter than asked why He could not go with Jesus and stated that He was ready to die for Jesus. Jesus answered Peter that while he could not come with Jesus now, He would follow Him later. But as to being willing to die with Jesus, Jesus told Peter that he would deny Jesus three times before the cock crowed the following morning.
Jesus then told all of His disciples to not let their hearts be troubled by His departure. They believed and trusted in God, they should do the same regarding Jesus. Jesus told them that there was plenty of room in His Father’s house and He was going to prepare a place for them. He would return and take them there when all was ready. Besides which, they knew the way.
Thomas replied for all of the disciples by asking how they could know the way when they did not even know where He was going? Jesus answered Thomas’ question by telling the disciples that He was the way, the Truth and the Life. He continued by telling them that He was the only way to the Father. By knowing Jesus we know the Father. Philip then asked Jesus to show them the Father. To which Jesus answered, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” Jesus told the disciples that He was in the Father and the Father was in Him. If nothing else, they should believe because of the work they have seen Him do. Jesus went on to tell them that those who believe in Him will do the same works that He has done, not only that, they will do even greater works.
Jesus told the disciples that He did the works He did because He was in the Father and the Father was in Him. In addition, He told them that because of this, they could see the Father by looking at Him. Elsewhere the scripture tells us that if we are His disciples, He will be in us. So my question is, do I live my life so that when people look at me they can see Jesus?

Today’s psalm speaks of the value of listening to and following God’s law.
they give me wise advice.
The psalmist makes a couple of requests of God that I strive to echo. I will ask God to help me understand the meaning of His commandments. I will also ask God to keep me from lying to myself. And finally I will determine to live by the following:
I have determined to live by your regulations.

Today’s proverbs give advice that is timeless. Listen to constructive criticism, accept the correction that others give you. This is the path to wisdom and being comfortable among the wise. If I reject discipline, I hurt myself more than any others. On the other hand, if I listen to correction, I will grow in wisdom.