May 22, 2016 Bible Study — Are We Relying On God, Or Relying On Ourselves?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 15-18.

    When Asa returned victorious from his battle against an overwhelming army from Cush (Ethiopia) he was met by a prophet. Inspired by that prophet, Asa removed the idols from shrines in the land he controlled. He called an assembly of the people, which included many who had moved to Judah from the Northern Kingdom because Asa was serving God, to renew the Covenant with God. As a result of Asa’s, and the people’s, faithfulness to God the Kingdom of Judah had peace for over thirty years. However, in the thirty-sixth year of Asa’s reign, King Baasha of Israel invaded. Rather than trust God, who had given him victory over an even more powerful Ethiopian army at the beginning of his reign, Asa sent a bribe to the King of Aram for the King of Aram to attack Israel and draw Baasha’s attention elsewhere. Asa made a mistake that many of us make. When we have few resources and no way to deal with the overwhelming problems we face, we turn to God and rely on Him to deal with our problems. Later, when we have more resources and more ability we rely on ourselves rather than turning to God. Let us always seek the path which God wishes us to follow when we face problems, even when we think we can handle the problems ourselves.

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