May 22, 2014 Bible Study — Walk In the Light

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Proverbs 15:27-28

    The godly think carefully before they respond to what they have been told. The wicked do not care about the consequences of their words and say what comes to mind when it comes to mind. I will think carefully about the impact my words may have on others before I speak.


Psalm 118:19-29

    When God opens the gate through which the righteous will pass, I will go in. I will enter His presence and thank Him for all He has done. He has answered my prayers and given me victory over my troubles.

This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

I love this psalm and all that it says. I will bless those who come in the name of the Lord, not those who just say that they do, but those who genuinely come in His name.

You are my God, and I will praise you!
You are my God, and I will exalt you!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.

Yes, He is my God and I will give thanks to Him. I have experienced His faithful love and know that it will endure for all time and beyond.


John 12:20-50

    It is only when we are willing to sacrifice our lives to serve God that we truly find life. When Jesus faced the facts of His coming crucifixion, His prayed that the Father bring glory to the Father’s name. He did not turn from the path that led to His crucifixion. Let us walk in the light which Jesus provides so that we may see where we are going. But let us also let Jesus’ light shine through us so that others may see where they are going. I will always remember that those who are walking in darkness cannot see where their path is taking them. It is my job to let Jesus’ light shine upon them so that they can see their destination and perhaps choose another one.
    I will follow and trust Jesus so that His light will shine on me and through me. I will not judge others because Jesus came to save them. I too wish for them to be saved. However, I know that those who reject Jesus’ message will be judged by the truth of that message. There is such a thing as objective truth and I will strive to live according to that truth.


2 Samuel 1-2:11

    The messenger who brought word to David that Saul and Jonathan were dead claimed to have killed Saul at Saul’s request. Yet, 1 Samuel tells us that Saul killed himself to avoid capture by the Philistines. The messenger appears to have believed that David would honour him for having done this and for bringing Saul’s tokens of kingship. David killed the messenger for the crime of killing Saul based on the messenger’s own confession. This is not the only time when David punished those who attempted to curry favor by taking credit for doing something that was wrong. If we are in a position of power, we need to follow David’s example and punish those who have done wrong to curry our favor, rather than rewarding them.

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