May 19, 2022 Bible Study — God Will Listen To The Prayer From A Humble Heart

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 5-7.

I am not sure why, but until a few years ago when I was reading this passage for an earlier entry in this blog, I thought that the Ark of the Covenant was in the same place in Jerusalem as the altar David had set up where Solomon built the Temple.  I am not sure there is any real significance to that fact, just something worth noting about misconceptions which re-reading the Bible will help us overcome.

The main thrust of what I wish to write today covers Solomon’s prayer dedicating the Temple and God’s reply to him.  Solomon acknowledges that the Temple cannot contain God, but asks that God put His Name upon it and hear supplications prayed towards it.  Solomon prayed that when the people sinned and were defeated by enemies as a result that God would forgive and rescue them when they repented and prayed in the Temple.  Further Solomon prayed that when there was no rain because of the people’s sins, if they turned from their sin and prayed toward the Temple God would hear their prayer and forgive their sins.  Perhaps the most moving part of Solomon’s prayer is when he asks that God listen to the prayers of foreigners who cry out to Him.  I want to follow that with God’s reply, which is two part.  First, God says that yes, He has chosen the Temple which Solomon built as the place for sacrifices to Him.  Then God replies to the second portion of Solomon’s prayer and I see something interesting.  Solomon had asked that after the people had sinned if they turned toward the Temple and prayed to God, God would answer their prayer.  But God replies that after they have sinned, if they humble themselves, pray, seek Him, and turn from their evil ways, He will answer their prayer.  He does not mention a need to pray towards the Temple.  God does say that His eyes and His heart will always be there and that He will be attentive to any prayers prayed there.  Finally in His reply, God warns that the Temple will become a heap of rubble if His people are not faithful.

You know I was going to stop there, but considering the state of our country today (and the state of most countries in the world today) I had to go further.  In His reply to Solomon God made this promise

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

This is a promise I cling to dearly.  Our land needs God’s healing, people need God’s healing.  Let us humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways.  Please note that God does not ask us to get others to turn from their wicked ways, He asks us to turn from ours.  Perhaps we may seek to encourage others to join us in turning to God, but we should never think the threaten them for refusing.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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