May 18, 2018 Bible Study — What Would We Choose If Given the Opportunity to Be Granted Our Deepest Desire?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 1-4.

    Today’s passage contains a slightly different account of Solomon’s visit to Gibeon to sacrifice to God that was mentioned in Kings. This account contains a somewhat clearer explanation as to why Solomon went there to sacrifice. While David had moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, the Tabernacle, including the altar which was built at the same time the Tabernacle was first made, was still in Gibeon. So, there would have still been people who considered Gibeon the correct place to worship God.

    So, while Solomon was at Gibeon God appeared to him in a vision and told him that He would give him whatever he asked for at this time. Now traditionally we have focused on the fact that Solomon asked for wisdom. Preachers and teachers have waxed long about how pleased God was that Solomon chose wisdom over wealth, or fame, or long life. However, I noticed today that that is NOT what pleased God about Solomon’s request. What pleased God was that Solomon’s desire was to help God’s people. Solomon did not request wisdom for wisdom’s sake. He requested wisdom so that he could better lead God’s people. So, when offered the opportunity to ask God for whatever he desired, Solomon requested the ability to better serve others. It reminds me of the “game” we sometimes played as children: If granted 3 wishes, what would you wish for? The question for us today is, if given one wish would we use it on ourselves, or on serving others? Solomon chose serving others and was rewarded with wealth and fame, but others chose serving others and were rewarded with suffering. The interesting thing is, if we look at what Solomon wrote later in life and what some of those others wrote, perhaps the suffering was the greater reward.

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