May 17, 2024 Bible Study — Be Strong and Do the Work for Which God Has Chosen You

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 Chronicles 27-29.

In today’s passage, as he gave Solomon his plans for building the temple, David told Solomon that if he sought God, he would find Him, but that if he forsook Him, He would forsake him as well (this is one of those sentences where I am so happy that we capitalize the pronoun when applying it to God).  That is an important point to which we should all pay close attention.  Those who genuinely seek God, will indeed find Him, no matter where they choose to begin their search.  However, those who forsake God will be forsaken.  But David had more to say to Solomon which also applies to each of us, “God has chosen you to…  Be strong and do the work.”  Now, not all of us, not even many of us, have been chosen to build a house for the Lord, but all of us have been chosen by God to do something for God.  Let each and every one of us be strong and do the work.  The best part of that instruction is what David says about it a little later.  As we strive to be strong and do the work for which God has chosen us, God will always be with us and will not fail us.  If we strive to be strong and to do God’s work, God will make us strong enough to accomplish whatever task He has chosen for us.  With God by our side, or, perhaps, with us by God’s side, there is nothing for us to fear, or for us to be discouraged by.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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