May 17, 2016 Bible Study — Using What We Have To Serve God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Chronicles 27-29.

    The account here of the events leading up to Solomon’s coronation implies a contradiction to the account given in 1 Kings. I can think of an explanation which do not require this account to be false (there are probably others). It seems likely that after the emergency coronation of Solomon in response to his brother’s attempt to seize the throne that a second “official” coronation was held after the leaders from more distant areas were summoned. While it is unlikely that the King David described in 1 Kings at the time of Solomon’s coronation would have given an address to the assembly, it is conceivable that the address recorded here was given on his behalf. There is no inherent contradiction between the two accounts of Solomon’s coronation and the events leading up to it. We just have two writers who chose to record different aspects of it.


    Regardless of the above there are two wonderful, related points made in David’s prayer of praise. First, we can give nothing to God that He does not already have. No matter how much wealth we have, that wealth came from God in the first place. We should not expect credit for spending some of the wealth which God has given us to do God’s work. Second, we have only a short time on this earth to serve God. Let us take advantage of the wealth and time which God has given us in order to serve Him joyously.

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