May 13, 2015 Bible Study — How To Deal With Persecution

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Proverbs 15:5-7

    It is foolish to ignore a parent’s discipline, no matter what your age. The wise learn from correction regardless of the source. Take advice where you can find it. Anyone who offers you advice has some wisdom you can learn from, only a fool has no advice to give.


Psalm 109:1-31

    We will, and do, face the sorts of accusations which the psalmist recounts. However, let us never stoop to the level of our accusers. Let us love them, even though they accuse us. Let us pray for them, even as they seek to destroy us. They will accuse us of persecuting the needy. They will claim that we curse others. Let us call out to God to protect us from such accusations and do the opposite even while they are saying these things about us.


John 7:31-53

    Before Jesus began teaching at the Festival, no one was willing to publicly say anything good about Him. However, once He began teaching and preaching an interesting thing happened. More and more of the people became willing to declare that He must be the Messiah. It got to the point where the religious leaders decided to have Jesus arrested. They sent the Temple guards to arrest Him, but the guards were mesmerized by what He said and returned without doing so.
    The point I am getting at is that when the Festival started people were afraid to talk about Jesus in a positive manner. Yet when He actually stood up and started to speak they became more emboldened. This is a lesson for us. Our society attempts to silence the Gospel message and threatens those who proclaim it. Yet if we stand up and boldly proclaim it other people will be emboldened to embrace that message. We will not avoid persecution by keeping quiet about our faith.


1 Samuel 14:1-52

    When Jonathan went with just his armor bearer to scout the Philistine camp he used an interesting method of deciding whether or not to attack. However, before that, he made his plans with the knowledge that he would only be successful with God’s help, and that with God’s help he could not fail. When he reached the point where he needed to determine if God was going to help him or not, he based his decision on the Philistine reaction to his presence. If the Philistines made it clear that they were going to do the smart thing and use the advantage of their position, he would return to the Israelite camp. If, on the other hand, the Philistines were foolish enough to allow him, and his armor bearer, to close with them, negating the advantage of their location, he would do so and attack. The Philistines chose the arrogant, foolish course of action. As a result, Jonathan and his armor bearer were able to disrupt the Philistine camp making the Philistine army vulnerable to the Israelite army. The key here was that Jonathan acted in faith and allowed God to direct his actions.

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