May 13, 2014 Bible Study –You Will Search For Me, But Not Find Me

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Proverbs 15:5-7

    It is foolish to despise discipline. A wise person welcomes being corrected, that is how they become more wise. The godly will have treasure no matter how poor, but the wicked will earn trouble no matter how wealthy. Turn to the wise for good advice, the fool has nothing to offer. When I read the last proverb, I was reminded of the several men I have encountered who had been married multiple times who wanted to give me advice about marriage. My recommendation is to take advice from people who have succeeded, not from people who have demonstrated that they are unable to learn from their mistakes.


Psalm 109:1-31

    Let us follow the example of the psalmist. He loved his enemies, even though they fought against him for no reason. He prayed for them, despite the fact that they were trying to destroy him. If we do these things, God will cause the trouble our enemies try to make for us to fall upon them. The very fate they wish for us will be theirs. I will not hate those who attempt to destroy me, rather I will pity them and pray that they repent before it is too late. I know what fate awaits them if I have lived a life which makes their attacks unjustified.


John 7:31-53

    When the religious and political leadership found that many of the people were saying that Jesus must be the Messiah they sent the Temple guards to arrest Him. Jesus told those around Him, including the guards and the leadership that He would only be there for a short time, then He would go away. When Jesus calls to us, we have a limited amount of time to answer His call. If we refuse to follow Him when He calls us and later we search for Him, we will not be able to find Him. If you are feeling God’s call today, do not delay, tomorrow may be too late.


1 Samuel 14:1-52

    Saul was camped with his army not far from where the Philistine army was camped. Jonathan decided to scout out the Philistine encampment. As he was scouting with just his armor bearer he came upon an outpost of the Philistine encampment that was atop a steep hill. Jonathan trusted God to guide him and give him victory. When the Philistines saw Jonathan and his armor bearer, rather than kill them as they approached their camp the Philistines challenged them to come up and fight them. Jonathan did so and killed those who stood before him, while his armor bearer guarded his back, killing those who attempted to outflank Jonathan. Jonathan’s attack threw the Philistine army into disarray allowing Saul to win a great victory that day.
    Jonathan faced an enemy entrenched in a position that he could not hope to assail successfully. He trusted in God and waited for a sign from God to act. God made Jonathan’s enemies cocky and they gave away their advantage of position. God gave Jonathan the victory that day and He will do the same for us, even when our opposition seems to have all of the advantages.

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