May 12, 2017 Bible Study — David Becomes King Over Israel

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Chronicles 10-12.

    The account given here of the death of Saul is the same as the one at the end of 1 Samuel. The account here of how David became king over all of Israel differs from that found in 2 Samuel. However, it is not a contradiction of that account. Rather, this account has a different focus from that found in 2 Samuel. I believe the point of this passage is that David surrounded himself with outstanding men and these outstanding men attracted more outstanding men to follow David. We can learn a two sided lesson from this. As leaders, if we surround ourselves with those who excel at what they do, more people who excel at what they do will join our cause. As those who are not leaders, if we choose to follow leaders who surround themselves with great men, we will be empowered to greatness ourselves. Or to look at a different angle on this, King Saul was jealous when David was honored, David empowered those among his followers who stood out.

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