May 11, 2015 Bible Study — Has the Lord Redeemed You?

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Proverbs 15:1-3

    Choose your words with care. If you speak gently when someone is angry, you can defuse and/or deflect that anger. If you speak with anger, frustration, or other harsh emotions you will elevate the tempers of those around you. But there is more to choosing words wisely than cooling or raising tempers. By choosing our words wisely we can cause others to desire to learn.


Psalm 107:1-43

    The key point of this psalm is in verse 2, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.”(KJV). I know that I do not tell others about my faith as much as I should. God has done wonderful things for me. He has redeemed me from my sins and I am grateful for the changes He has wrought in me.
    The psalmist describes some of the many situations from which people have been redeemed. Some were lost, hungry, and homeless; some were imprisoned in misery because they had rejected God’s words and scorned His advice; some were fools who rebelled against all authority; some suffered the damage wrought by nature (storm, earthquake, volcano, etc). They all had one thing in common, from the depths of their torment they cried out to God for help and He saved them. If you were one of those described, or if God redeemed you from some other tribulation, speak up! Let the people around you know what God has done for you. How will someone else suffering a similar tribulation know that if they cry out to God He will redeem them if you do not tell them what He has already done?


John 6:43-71

    The key phrase in today’s passage is when Jesus says that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood if we wish to receive eternal life. In my mind there are two ways to understand this passage, and both of them are correct. When Jesus said this He was telling us that we need to take His teaching and internalize them. We need to allow His words to transform us into His likeness. The saying that this brings to my mind is “you are what you eat.” If we “eat” Jesus’ flesh and blood we will become like Him.
    The other part of this message is about the importance of taking Communion/the Eucharist/the Lord’s Supper with our fellow believers. Jesus had not yet established the Lord’s Supper when He taught this lesson, but I am convinced that when He said “this is my Body, take and eat” and “this is my blood, drink this in remembrance of me” He was referring back to what He said here.


1 Samuel 10-11:15

    Samuel gathered the people of Israel together at Mizpah in order to declare who God had chosen to be their king. Even though Samuel already knew who God had chosen, he went through the process of determining who that would be by lot. Despite this, there were those who refused to accept Saul as king. Shortly after this Nahash, the king of the Ammonites, besieged an Israelite city east of the Jordan (a manuscript of 1 Samuel among the Dead Sea scrolls contains a passage which suggests that Nahash had taken control of all of the rest of the Israelites east of the Jordan). Nahash demanded that the Israelite men have their right eye gouged out as one of the conditions of surrender. The men of the city agreed that they would submit to this if no one came to their rescue within seven days.
    When word of this reached Saul’s hometown the people wept to hear that their fellow Israelites would be subject to such a demand. But none of them suggested any action. Saul had been out in the fields plowing when word came. When he heard the news, he was outraged. He sent word throughout the land demanding that the warriors of Israel gather. He took the army which had gathered and relieved the siege. In doing so Saul completely broke the power of Nahash. When the battle was over, Saul’s supporters demanded that Samuel gather those who had refused to accept Saul as king so that they could be killed. Saul refused to use his victory as an excuse to rid himself of opposition. By doing so he actually managed to unify the people in a way which killing the opposition would not have done.

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